Source code for ulid

from __future__ import annotations

import functools
import os
import time
import uuid
from import Callable
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timezone
from typing import Any
from typing import Generic
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import TypeVar

from ulid import base32
from ulid import constants

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from pydantic import GetCoreSchemaHandler
    from pydantic import ValidatorFunctionWrapHandler
    from pydantic_core import CoreSchema

    from importlib.metadata import version
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    from importlib_metadata import version  # type: ignore

__version__ = version("python-ulid")

T = TypeVar("T", bound=type)
R = TypeVar("R")

class validate_type(Generic[T]):  # noqa: N801
    def __init__(self, *types: T) -> None:
        self.types = types

    def __call__(self, func: Callable[..., R]) -> Callable[..., R]:
        def wrapped(cls: Any, value: T) -> R:
            if not isinstance(value, self.types):
                message = "Value has to be of type "
                message += " or ".join([t.__name__ for t in self.types])
                raise ValueError(message)
            return func(cls, value)

        return wrapped

U = TypeVar("U", bound="ULID")

[docs] @functools.total_ordering class ULID: """The :class:`ULID` object consists of a timestamp part of 48 bits and of 80 random bits. .. code-block:: text 01AN4Z07BY 79KA1307SR9X4MV3 |----------| |----------------| Timestamp Randomness 48bits 80bits You usually create a new :class:`ULID`-object by calling the default constructor with no arguments. In that case it will fill the timestamp part with the current datetime. To encode the object you usually convert it to a string: >>> ulid = ULID() >>> str(ulid) '01E75PVKXA3GFABX1M1J9NZZNF' """ def __init__(self, value: bytes | None = None) -> None: if value is not None and len(value) != constants.BYTES_LEN: raise ValueError("ULID has to be exactly 16 bytes long.") self.bytes: bytes = ( value or ULID.from_timestamp(time.time_ns() // constants.NANOSECS_IN_MILLISECS).bytes )
[docs] @classmethod @validate_type(datetime) def from_datetime(cls: type[U], value: datetime) -> U: """Create a new :class:`ULID`-object from a :class:`datetime`. The timestamp part of the `ULID` will be set to the corresponding timestamp of the datetime. Examples: >>> from datetime import datetime >>> ULID.from_datetime( ULID(01E75QRYCAMM1MKQ9NYMYT6SAV) """ return cls.from_timestamp(value.timestamp())
[docs] @classmethod @validate_type(int, float) def from_timestamp(cls: type[U], value: int | float) -> U: """Create a new :class:`ULID`-object from a timestamp. The timestamp can be either a `float` representing the time in seconds (as it would be returned by :func:`time.time()`) or an `int` in milliseconds. Examples: >>> import time >>> ULID.from_timestamp(time.time()) ULID(01E75QWN5HKQ0JAVX9FG1K4YP4) """ if isinstance(value, float): value = int(value * constants.MILLISECS_IN_SECS) timestamp = int.to_bytes(value, constants.TIMESTAMP_LEN, "big") randomness = os.urandom(constants.RANDOMNESS_LEN) return cls.from_bytes(timestamp + randomness)
[docs] @classmethod @validate_type(uuid.UUID) def from_uuid(cls: type[U], value: uuid.UUID) -> U: """Create a new :class:`ULID`-object from a :class:`uuid.UUID`. The timestamp part will be random in that case. Examples: >>> from uuid import uuid4 >>> ULID.from_uuid(uuid4()) ULID(27Q506DP7E9YNRXA0XVD8Z5YSG) """ return cls(value.bytes)
[docs] @classmethod @validate_type(bytes) def from_bytes(cls: type[U], bytes_: bytes) -> U: """Create a new :class:`ULID`-object from sequence of 16 bytes.""" return cls(bytes_)
[docs] @classmethod @validate_type(str) def from_hex(cls: type[U], value: str) -> U: """Create a new :class:`ULID`-object from 32 character string of hex values.""" return cls.from_bytes(bytes.fromhex(value))
[docs] @classmethod @validate_type(str) def from_str(cls: type[U], string: str) -> U: """Create a new :class:`ULID`-object from a 26 char long string representation.""" return cls(base32.decode(string))
[docs] @classmethod @validate_type(int) def from_int(cls: type[U], value: int) -> U: """Create a new :class:`ULID`-object from an `int`.""" return cls(int.to_bytes(value, constants.BYTES_LEN, "big"))
@property def milliseconds(self) -> int: """The timestamp part as epoch time in milliseconds. Examples: >>> ulid.timestamp 1588257207560 """ return int.from_bytes(self.bytes[: constants.TIMESTAMP_LEN], byteorder="big") @property def timestamp(self) -> float: """The timestamp part as epoch time in seconds. Examples: >>> ulid.timestamp 1588257207.56 """ return self.milliseconds / constants.MILLISECS_IN_SECS @property def datetime(self) -> datetime: """Return the timestamp part as timezone-aware :class:`datetime` in UTC. Examples: >>> ulid.datetime datetime.datetime(2020, 4, 30, 14, 33, 27, 560000, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) """ return datetime.fromtimestamp(self.timestamp, timezone.utc) @property def hex(self) -> str: """Encode the :class:`ULID`-object as a 32 char sequence of hex values.""" return self.bytes.hex()
[docs] def to_uuid(self) -> uuid.UUID: """Convert the :class:`ULID` to a :class:`uuid.UUID`.""" return uuid.UUID(bytes=self.bytes)
[docs] def to_uuid4(self) -> uuid.UUID: """Convert the :class:`ULID` to a :class:`uuid.UUID` compliant to version 4 of RFC 4122. This conversion is destructive in the sense that the :class:`uuid.UUID` cannot be converted back to the same :class:`ULID`. This is because the bits for the `variant` and `version` information have to be set accordingly changing the original byte sequence. Examples: >>> ulid = ULID() >>> uuid = ulid.to_uuid4() >>> uuid.version 4 """ return uuid.UUID(bytes=self.bytes, version=4)
def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"ULID({self!s})" def __str__(self) -> str: """Encode this object as a 26 character string sequence.""" return base32.encode(self.bytes) def __int__(self) -> int: """Encode this object as an integer.""" return int.from_bytes(self.bytes, byteorder="big") def __bytes__(self) -> bytes: """Encode this object as byte sequence.""" return self.bytes def __lt__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if isinstance(other, ULID): return self.bytes < other.bytes elif isinstance(other, int): return int(self) < other elif isinstance(other, bytes): return self.bytes < other elif isinstance(other, str): return str(self) < other return NotImplemented def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if isinstance(other, ULID): return self.bytes == other.bytes elif isinstance(other, int): return int(self) == other elif isinstance(other, bytes): return self.bytes == other elif isinstance(other, str): return str(self) == other return NotImplemented def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(self.bytes) @classmethod def __get_pydantic_core_schema__(cls, source: Any, handler: GetCoreSchemaHandler) -> CoreSchema: from pydantic_core import core_schema return core_schema.no_info_wrap_validator_function( cls._pydantic_validate, core_schema.union_schema( [ core_schema.is_instance_schema(ULID), core_schema.no_info_plain_validator_function(ULID), core_schema.str_schema(pattern=r"[A-Z0-9]{26}", min_length=26, max_length=26), core_schema.bytes_schema(min_length=16, max_length=16), ] ), serialization=core_schema.to_string_ser_schema( when_used="json-unless-none", ), ) @classmethod def _pydantic_validate(cls, value: Any, handler: ValidatorFunctionWrapHandler) -> Any: from pydantic_core import PydanticCustomError try: if isinstance(value, int): ulid = cls.from_int(value) elif isinstance(value, str): ulid = cls.from_str(value) elif isinstance(value, ULID): ulid = value else: ulid = cls.from_bytes(value) except ValueError as err: raise PydanticCustomError("ulid_format", "Unrecognized format") from err return handler(ulid)