Python ULID#

Release v2.4.1.dev1+gf6a761b (What’s new)

A ULID is a universally unique lexicographically sortable identifier. It is

  • 128-bit compatible with UUID

  • 1.21e+24 unique ULIDs per millisecond

  • Lexicographically sortable!

  • Canonically encoded as a 26 character string, as opposed to the 36 character UUID

  • Uses Crockford’s base32 for better efficiency and readability (5 bits per character)

  • Case insensitive

  • No special characters (URL safe)

In general the structure of a ULID is as follows:

 01AN4Z07BY      79KA1307SR9X4MV3
|----------|    |----------------|
 Timestamp          Randomness
   48bits             80bits

For more information have a look at the original specification.


Use pip to install the library

$ pip install python-ulid

to include Pydantic support install the optional dependency like so

$ pip install python-ulid[pydantic]

Basic Usage#

Create a new ULID object from the current timestamp

>>> from ulid import ULID
>>> ULID()

or use one of the named constructors

>>> import time, datetime
>>> ULID.from_timestamp(time.time())
>>> ULID.from_datetime(

There are several options for encoding the ULID object (e.g. string, hex, int, bytes, UUID):

>>> str(ulid)
>>> ulid.hex
>>> int(ulid)
>>> bytes(ulid)
>>> ulid.to_uuid()

It is also possible to directly access the timestamp component of a ULID, either in UNIX epoch or as datetime.datetime

>>> ulid.timestamp
>>> ulid.datetime
datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 20, 22, 18, 59, 153000, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)

Pydantic integration#

The ULID class can be directly used for the popular data validation library Pydantic like so

from pydantic import BaseModel
from ulid import ULID

class Model(BaseModel):
  ulid: ULID

model = Model(ulid="DX89370400440532013000")  # OK
model = Model(ulid="not-a-ulid")  # Raises ValidationError

Command line interface#

The package comes with a CLI interface that can be invoked either by the script name ulid or as python module python -m ulid. The CLI allows you to generate, inspect and convert ULIDs, e.g.

$ ulid build

$ ulid build --from-datetime=2023-09-23T10:20:30

Hex:       018ab2f9aea8ccffacef7900e6555299
Int:       2049395013039097460549394558635823769
Timestamp: 1695219822.248
Datetime:  2023-09-20 14:23:42.248000+00:00

There are several flags to select specific output formats for the show command, e.g.

$ ulid show --datetime 01HASFKBN8SKZTSVVS03K5AMMS
2023-09-20 14:23:42.248000+00:00

The special character - allows to read values from stdin so that they can be piped. E.g.

$ echo 01HASFKBN8SKZTSVVS03K5AMMS | ulid show --uuid -

$ date --iso-8601 | python -m ulid build --from-datetime -

For a full overview of flags for the build and show commands use the --help option (e.g. ulid show --help).

API documentation#